Linux Notes
Commands to remember
mc - midnight commander
Oh the nostalgia. It looks exactly like I remember Norton Commander!
Command: mc
Install: sudo apt install mc
What does this command do? For when you’ve forgotten what it does.
Command: whatis man
What it says on the tin. Where is that file?
Command: whereis myfile.txt
ncdu - disk usage
Easily locate those ginormous files that need to be deleted.
Command: ncdu
Install: sudo apt install ncdu
htop - find processes
top in itself is usefull to locate the process that for some reason needs to be killed. htop makes it easy to actually complete the hit.
Command: htop
Install: sudo apt install htop
alias - make your own commands
alias update=‘sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade’
But that is only temporarily. Add it to your ~/.bashrc file, to make it permanent.
Ctrl+c and ctrl+v is not working on the console. But ctrl-shift-c/v is.